A few Kids Resources

Below are a few ways Laura and I have found helpful for an aspect of discipling our own kids, in this case things they can do on their own like reading the Scriptures and processing what they read.

Kids- this bible (NLT Wayfinders) has been a great translation as they learn to read the Bible independently. It has three different reading plans built in so it's easy to follow (the plans range from an overview of the whole bible to an in-depth reading)! 

This devotional (Foundations for kids) has been great for Berkley (she's 10). It has a reading for the day and then an activity. It also accounts for a wide range of ages with a longer Scripture passage reading for older kids and shorter for younger ones. 

I'm a broken record with Adventures in Odyssey, but given that all three of our very different personalitied kids love it, it's worth recommending again! It has been an awesome tool in their discipleship. They have a month long free trial right now, give it a try.